This is necessary for meWell this sentence could be written two ways The first is what you have and for the second way just switch the words around a bit to "For/to me, this is necessary" I think 'for me' would be used more for when talking about doing something for yourself For example "I have to take a break from sports This is necessary for me"Examples have not been reviewed no es necesario (2741) que no es necesario (315) necesario (131) no hace falta (104) And remember when it is not necessary for proper nutrition Y recuerde cuando no es necesario para una nutrición adecuada Council it is not necessary to buy special equipment for sanding I'm amazed sometimes at how willing people are to be open about their love life online It's not even really that direct all the time – it's usually through the form of resharing existing posts or those Instapoem things, tagging friends in memes about how they reject every girl or guy, or sometimes even writing long comments about the state of their marriage or
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